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The rules under the Smokefree Environments Act:

Under this act it is illegal to sell or promote any device that looks like a cigarette or mimics smoking to any person under 18 years of age, whether that device contains nicotine or not.

If any device contains nicotine it is ILLEGAL to sell, pack, distribute or advertise in NZ. Whether you are a person giving a nicotine e-cigarette to a friend (even just a puff) or you are a business selling the nicotine e-juice or nicotine e-cigarette – it is illegal.

Importation for personal use is 100% legal and does not break any laws.

NOTE – NZVAPOR.com are fully compliant with ALL NZ laws!

The rules under the Medicines Act:

Nicotine containing e-cigarettes/e-liquids can ONLY be sold in NZ if they are used as a way to help people stop smoking. But to do this it has to have been signed off as an official ‘smoking cessation aid’ by Medsafe. Sounds good, but NO e-cigarette or e-juice retailer in NZ has put any product through this process (it is prohibitively expensive!).

NOTE – NZVAPOR.com are fully compliant with ALL NZ laws!

So the long and short is – It is ILLEGAL to sell or move nicotine e-juice or nicotine e-cigs in NZ, in any way. Full stop.

This is a VERY short explanation of the rules. Please CLICK HERE if you want to know more. We are here to help and we are happy to offer info any time.

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